Sep 27, 2021

January might seem like a lifetime ago, but it was likely that, back then, you set some goals that you wanted to achieve this year. But we never really know what’s going to come our way. Depending on what’s happened, you may find that you’re well on track to achieve your goals or realise that you’ve been blown completely off course by other things that have happened. But with children back to school, this can be a good time to realign yourself with what you want for this year. Here are our five tips for doing that.


1. Look back at your goals and re-assess


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Sep 13, 2021

Much has been written about the benefits of routines, especially for children. But that doesn’t mean that the same sorts of routines suit everyone. Some people feel safer with a rigid routine that’s followed daily. Others find this stifles their creativity and prefer more freedom. But all of us will have routines to some extent. But we’re going to explore three routines that can be particularly beneficial for families. That’s not to say that all of these are right for everyone – but take a look and see which could reduce stress and friction in your household.

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Jun 28, 2021

How can you make gratitude a part of your daily life? This month we’ve looked at the multitude of benefits that can come from a gratitude practice. However, it can be easier said than done to introduce something new into your life. That’s why we’re rounding up some of our favourite ways of making it a daily habit for you and the family.


1. Keep A Diary

This is one of the most popular methods for practising gratitude. Some people like to use a small diary, and others treat themselves to a new notebook or journal. The idea is that you write down a few things you are...

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Jun 14, 2021

Gratitude – Is it just this decade's fad, or is there scientific evidence that proves it's beneficial? In this month's newsletter, we shared a small story that demonstrated how gratitude can work. But as a busy mum or mumpreneur, you’re probably wondering if it’s worth the effort. If you’re going to try something new, you want the reassurance that it will do you some good. That’s why in this blog post, we’re digging into the science of gratitude.


Gratitude & Life Satisfaction

Over the years, there have been numerous studies that have found...

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May 24, 2021

How can you start attracting more of what you want into your life? Earlier this month, we looked at the law of attraction and the lessons we've learned from using it. But now it's time to step into it and use this law in your everyday life. That’s why we’re sharing our top three ways in which you can easily use it. Don’t feel like you need to start all of them at once. Pick one that feels most comfortable and start there.


1. Gratitude

A daily gratitude practice is useful for the law of attraction because it helps you get in the right frame of mind. As we know, for you to attract good...

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May 10, 2021

Does it really make that much of a difference, or is it just a load of old hogwash? In this month's newsletter, we talked about the concept known as “the law of attraction”. When many first hear about it, they can find themselves resisting it, believing it's too woo-woo. But the truth is, much of it has a scientific basis. It’s also natural for our brains to mistrust something that is new to us. The law of attraction can do more than just manifest more of what you want in your life. Here are seven lessons we’ve learned from applying the law of attraction in our...

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Apr 26, 2021

Improving your flexibility and adaptability is not only beneficial during pandemics. As we saw in last month's blog post, there are numerous benefits, including increasing your chances of success. But HOW do we go about developing these skills? How exactly do we become more flexible and adaptable without creating more stress or resistance? Here are our top tips.


1. Stretch Your Comfort Zone

Often, when you feel uncomfortable about being flexible, it's because it will take you outside your comfort zone. However, stretching your comfort zone is much easier when you’re not under...

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Apr 12, 2021

Why should we develop our adaptability and flexibility skills? The pandemic may have shown us how important they can be, but that’s a pretty extreme example! However, these skills can also be valuable in everyday life. It’s why they are sought after amongst employers. But before we look at some of the advantages they give us, let’s distinguish the difference between being flexible and adaptable.


Flexibility and Adaptability – What’s The Difference?

While it might seem that they’re two words for the same thing, there is a subtle difference between...

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Mar 22, 2021

If you’ve done the hard work of decluttering your home or even one room, how can you keep it that way and look after the planet at the same time? Earlier this month, we looked at the benefits of clearing the clutter and ways you could do it with minimal impact on the environment. Today, we're looking at how you can keep clutter-free and be eco-friendly at the same time, so there's double the impact! Here are our top three tips.


1. Go Paper-free

One of the biggest causes of clutter in both our homes and workspaces is paperwork. We tell ourselves we’ll sort through it...

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Mar 08, 2021

You've got the marigolds at the ready and are raring to go! It's the perfect time of year to have a declutter, but you'd like to do it with minimal impact on the planet. The effect of global warming has become ever more prevalent during our lifetime and, quite rightly, you want to do your bit. In this week's blog post, we're sharing our tips for decluttering and keeping it green.


1. Recycle 

Do you remember Bob The Builder’s slogan, “reduce, reuse, recycle"? It is, in fact, great advice to follow when decluttering too. Let's start with recycling. All sorts of things...

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